文化や太郎 (通訳案内士/日本文化)




Chrysanthemums were introduced to Japan in the 8th century from China, and favorably used first as a personal imperial emblem by the ex-emperor Gotoba in the 12th and 13th century.
Chrysanthemums had been believed to have talismanic value against evil in old China.
The present imperial emblem was designed by the Meiji Emperor in the 19th century and officially designated as the formal imperial crest of the chrysanthemum in 1869.

天皇家皇太子家 front sided chrysanthemum with 16 double petals
皇族 back sided chrysanthemum with 14 single petals and/or 16-pedals in different design in each branch family)

菊の御紋は日本の国章(national emblem) であり商用には許されていない。

Why are there so many chrysanthemums offered in the graveyard, no roses, nor orchids?は寺院訪問でお墓を見つけるとよくしてくる質問だ。お客さんの笑いを誘う答えを用意したい。